Understanding what love wants and what brought you together 

There isn’t an easy answer to a successful relationship, it takes consistent commitment, courage, and work. However there are things, profound things that you may not know, that you haven’t been taught, that can radically turn your relationship back on, that can help you to create the relationship of your dreams. 

It begins with knowing yourself and your relationship, knowing what brought you together, what it is that you are here to do as an individual and together, fundamentally what love wants from you?

As a couple we have been together for 25 years, we work with other couples and individuals to help them develop, deepen and understand their relationships, and we will share what we know can make a real difference to you. We are living proof of how you can turn your relationship back on, and we know that when you implement what follows into your life it will help turn you and your relationship back on too. 

Know this: Relationships are meant to get better with time, not worse, that’s right, BETTER. Wherever you are at now, the best years should be in front of you. So let’s get started on turning you and your relationship back on, by finding out what love wants. 

1.1 Creating Change 

You cannot create change in your life or relationship with the same “you” that created your current situation. You don’t get out of financial trouble by consulting the part of you that got you into difficulties in the first place. You don’t want to consult with the one that recklessly spent. You get out of trouble by connecting to another “you”, the “you” that can take responsibility for your finances and do what you really need to do.  

The same goes for anything, including relationships. You  need access to another “you” if you want to create a different outcome, the outcome you desire. The “you” that is having relationship issues will tend to create the same issues. So for new relationship solutions, you’ll need access to another “you” and this is what we will consistently do throughout this mini course, this is how we’ll help you.  

Through awareness and stories, (your stories), we will explore this other side of “you”, this other side that I'm sure is desperate to appear.

It’s time to bring something new to your life, your relationship, and your world. 

1.2 Discovering another “you”

Let’s start by getting you out of your own way with a meditation that will help you to identify this other “you”, a wise “you” that may have answers to the issues that you are dealing with. 

Remember, whenever you are feeling stuck or caught in your head throughout this mini course you can come back to this meditation exercise to get a reset.

1.3 What’s your intent

So firstly, what is your intent, what is it you want from this mini course, what is it you want from your relationship? What would you like to get out of this if your wildest dreams could be met? If this mini course could answer something for you, what would it be? 

Make a quick note and then put it aside.

Exercise 1

Power Spot Meditation: Experiencing another you 

*Please read this exercise or go straight to the audio, have a pen and paper next to you.

  1. Get comfortable and relax, allow yourself to become a little bit fuzzy, a little blurry, allow yourself to let go of your everyday awareness, let go of your everyday self. Let go just for a moment of your everyday problems knowing that you can pick them up again at the end of this meditation if you want. Now allow yourself to fully and completely let go. 

  2. Think of a place in nature you love, or would love to go to. If you could go there right now, to any place in nature, where would you go? There’s no right or wrong. It’s your place, the place that you would love to go, that you have a connection with.  

  3. Now in your mind go to that place, fully. Feel the sand in your toes as you walk on that beach or the water on your skin as you swim in the stream. See the light of the sun coming through the trees, listen to the water crashing on the beach or the birds singing their songs. Go as deep as you can until you feel yourself fully drop in and relax into the experience of actually being there.

  4. How does it feel to finally be there? What is it that this place does to you? What is it about this place that calls you to be there? For a moment allow yourself to fully relax into this place and just enjoy being there. 

  5. Now we’re going to go deeper and find out what you’re really doing here, why you are called to this place. As you enjoy this place allow something to change. I want you now to transform into this place, to become this place. Allow yourself to let go of being in this place and now actually allow yourself to become this place. Become the ocean and beach, become the creek and trees, become that powerful mountain, become wherever you are, and go all the way into becoming this place. Feel what it’s like to be nature itself. What is it like to breathe like this place, what is it like to move like this place, what is it like to feel like this place? 

  6. Now stay with this place and go deeply to the essence of what this place is about, what is this place really trying to say, what is it that this place wants to share with you? Remember this is an ancient place that has been calling you for a reason, it’s been trying to connect with you and now it can.  

  7. Look out from this place, stay as this place, and see your everyday self sitting in front of you. What do you want to tell your everyday self from the essence of this place? What is the ancient wisdom of this place wanting to share with you?

    Write this down.

  8. Remember your initial question, your intent for this course, the thing you wanted to get. Perhaps the answer to your relationship issue lies in this ancient place. What does this place want to tell you about your question, what does it want to say?

    Write down what it shares with you. 

  9. Spend as long as you need within this place, this state is within you and you can access it whenever you need it. As you come out of this meditation carry the wisdom of this place with you and bring some of it into your day. 

  10. Remember this place, its feeling. Find something within it that allows you to anchor yourself to it so when you need to access this wisdom throughout this course, and in  your life, it will be easier for you. This wisdom is yours and can help you to move more fluidly to create relationship changes.